Nursing Care
Nursing Care is usually provided when clinical needs increase in an individual, which means support is required 24 hours a day.

This time may come with the frailty of old age or with an intensive rehabilitation need following a stroke or heart attack.
At Linden Lodge Nursing Home at Warton, we can provide a long-term or short-term solution when periods of respite and recovery are required.
Care planning – agreed with the individual and their loved ones – ensures our approach is highly personalised and appropriate. At all times, the wishes of the person being cared for are paramount, and their dignity and respect are continuously upheld without question. Our support extends not only to your loved one but to the wider group. Our approach to palliative (or end-of-life) care is second to none, and where we can enable a positive and highly personalised experience. We have been awarded the highest level of Platinum status from The Gold Standard Framework for end-of-life care.
Once a person has reached a stage where nursing care is required, they may be very poorly, and we appreciate this will be a difficult time for everyone involved. Nursing care can also aid a period of recovery from a specific illness such as cancer or following an operation, stroke or heart attack.
Nursing Care Homes: Frequently Asked Questions
Nursing care is often required at a time of a person’s life when they are poorly and/or frail, and getting the right care, at the right time, is crucial to ensure that the person is as comfortable and safe as can be. We have put together this list of commonly asked questions, to give you peace of mind when considering Nursing Care Homes.
Nursing care is care provided by registered nurses and usually happens when a person’s clinical needs increase and support is required 24 hours a day. Nursing care will often take place alongside the support provided by trained carers.
A residential care home is suitable for older people who need support with day-to-day life including their personal care, and everyday tasks like cleaning their home and cooking for themselves. If they have a nursing need this can be supplied by the Community Nursing Staff. Residents in a nursing care home can have a range of complex medical/nursing needs and require the supervision of a Registered Nurse during the day and night. They are on hand to support care workers provide a higher level of care. Linden Care homes offers care for people who need both types of support.
When Nursing Care is required, the person requiring the care may be very poorly, and we appreciate this is a difficult time for everyone involved. The most important thing is that the home has the right level of care and that the needs of the person involved will be met. First impressions are also important, and we encourage you to contact us to arrange a visit.
Nursing Care will cost more than residential care, but in both instances, who pays for the care will depend on both the individual’s needs and their financial situation. Age UK has a wide variety of resources, fact sheets and guidance on funding the cost of care.
Would you like to visit one of our Care Homes?
You are always welcome to come drop by and take a look around our Care Homes. making an appointment is not necessary, but if you would like a guided tour, please Contact Us to arrange a time with management.